Innovation at the Speed of Business

As AFC's innovation organization, AAL connects the best non-traditional industry solvers to current Army tech problems to get the best technology in the hands of Soldiers faster.

We do this by giving industry better, faster access to stakeholders and capital. We sync with government problem owners from the start of problem framing to advanced tech development through transition for further development or integration. Our innovative funding methods reduce risk for problem owners and increase opportunities for industry. This results in well informed requirements coming from close collaboration among Army experts, engineers, and end users. This creates more flexibility in government budgets and timelines, and provides solutions that address some of the Army's toughest challenges.

Our Team


Active Projects


Wet gap crossing operations require crewed maritime platforms and Soldiers to successfully deploy and maneuver bridging solutions, which are time and resource intensive and can decrease Soldier survivability. The Army is partnering with industry to enable Soldiers to autonomously employ bridging solutions and remotely maneuver through wet gap crossings.

Industry Partner
RMD Systems

Project Funding
SBIR $1.9 million

Female Soldiers in the Army are experiencing a significant survivability disparity compared to male Soldiers, stemming from a lack of anatomically-correct female manikins in casualty care training. The CCT project is developing mixed reality, high fidelity modules to innovate Soldier medical training and increase survivability rates.

Industry Partners

Project Funding
Phase I: FSBIR $2.5 million
Phase II: ASBIR: $15 million

As quantum computing develops across the world, the Army is interested in exploring further development of quantum encryption to protect sensitive information. The Quantum project is developing software that will future-proof Army networks and protect Soldiers from quantum computing vulnerabilities.

Industry Partner

Project Funding
SBIR $1 million

Man-portable Electronic Warfare (EW) systems, currently used by Infantry Brigade Combat Teams (IBCTs), lack range and appropriate power making them less effective in masking operations, threat geolocating, or disrupting enemy communications. The EWP project is developing a payload for autonomous platforms which will increase the EW’s effective range.

Industry Partners
ANDRO Computational Solutions
Distributed Spectrum

Project Funding
RDT&E: $2 million

What Partners Have to Say

AAL In Action